Paradis Perdus

Paradis Perdus (Lost Paradises) attempts to convey the feeling of not belonging. You find yourself in a beautiful world, and you soon realize that your presence poses a problem: you literally infect and destroy everything you touch. So, instead of sitting back and enjoying the world, you have to make a decision: either you stay and destroy everything or you escape and let the world heal itself.
The game was made in a month for a contest held by the Toulouse Game Show (south of France). An alpha version is available for download (in french) there :
EDIT 11.2.2013: Paradis Perdus has been covered in Rock Paper Shotgun, amongst other media (full list on Sergey Mohov’s website).
Music in Paradis Perdus is strongly related to the state the world is in at a certain point. The theme comes in 2 flavours : healthy and infected. As the world gets infected, the infected theme is more and more frequently mixed in the soundtrack, until it’s all that remains.
The healthy version of the music (theme and harp performance by Michèle Kopff, flute performance by The Young Shepherd):
The infected version:
A short gameplay video:
Sergey Mohov: Game Design, Level Design, Programming
Fabian Bodet: Graphic Design
Ricardo Daniel Ibarra Cortés: Graphic Design
Michèle Kopff: Music Composition, Sound Design, Harp
Matthieu Bonneau: Music Production, Sound Design, Audio Integration
The Young Shepherd: Flute